Double G Hog Control: An Interview with Jody Greene

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On Monday, February 2nd I had the pleasure of being able to talk with southern gentleman Jody Greene of Double G Hog Control.  Jody Shared with me the mission and history of Double G and here is a recap of what he had to say:

Double G Hog Control was started a few years back by Jody Greene and his wife Tracy — they started by going out on hog night hunts together. A farmer who lived close to the Greenes asked them if they could help with a problem he had; the hogs were coming onto his land at night and destroying his crops.  The first two nights that the Greenes went out they killed around 15 or 16 hogs.  After those two nights the farmer was able to see a huge difference and was able to save his crop.  Soon Jeff Goeggle, Jody’s best friend, joined the Greene Team, word eventually got out about what they were doing and the trio began receiving requests from farmers all around the Louisiana area to help with their hog problems.

Now for those of you who don’t know, wild hogs are detrimental to crops and farmland; hogs have an extremely well developed sense of smell and when farmers plant their crops the hogs search out the seed with precision-like accuracy and uproot the seeds and eat them, they often do this to the entire line and can deplete a small farm in a matter of a hours; hogs generally travel in a sounder (a group) and it is not uncommon to see 300 acre farms devastated after a night of feasting.  This destruction makes it very hard, if not impossible, to re-plant a crop and it severely affects the livelihood of the farmers and their families.  It has been said that a single hog will cost a farmer approximately $3,200 per year – if you factor in that hogs travel in sounders and that females can reproduce with a litter that has between 6-12 shoats up to 3 times per year, the results can be grave.

In their first year, Double G killed 420 hogs.  In their second they killed 400.  They now have permission to hunt hogs on over 200,000 acres of farm between the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas and hope to increase their territories in the upcoming seasons.  One of the questions I had for Jody was, “What do you do with the hogs after the kill?”. He answered with the following;

“We give them away.  We fill freezers.” They give the meat to locals in the areas where they hunt.  One thing that Double G is focusing on right now is working with the organization “Hunters for the Hungry”, who disperse meat from kills to different organizations and programs for the hungry or for families in need, but the program needs approval for funding for the testing of the meat to be able to distribute to the public.  Luckily, for the most part Double G is able to donate the majority of the meat to local families in the cities in towns where they hunt.

US night vision

Some advice that Jody gave me about hog hunting is that it is really important to have the proper equipment and training to hunt hogs; safety, practice and reliable high quality equipment is essential for a successful hunt.  Since the best hunting time for hogs is at night the Greenes use night vision equipment provided by US night vision, their specialist Fred Auget can help you choose the right gear if you are interested in night vision gear. Jody uses our Reaper Hog pattern on his Remington R-25 .308.  With their equipment and safety measures Double G has never had an accident or killed any animal that wasn’t a hog on their hunts.

Jodys gun with reaper hog

Double G’s services have been such a great help to farmers in their area.  Not only do they help the welfare of the agricultural industry and economy but they also provide many families with hundreds of pounds of meat, free of charge.  Proveil would like to wish them the best of luck in their endeavors and we hope that we are able to help get the word out about their services. One last thing I wanted to mention about Double G Hog Control is that they do not charge a single dime for what they do; that is right, they do this from the kindness of their hearts because they believe in paying it forward.  So, with that being said, we ask that you share this article and help get Double G some more exposure.

If you would like to contact Double G Hog Control, here is how you can reach them:

Jody Greene 

Double G Hog Control

Cell# 601-807-1967


Fred Auget 

USA night vision

(cel) 404-444-3202 or 334-363-2166

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